Igniting the Body and Soul through Dance! A Weekend of Dancing the 5Rhythms with Tim Broughton in Jersey

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I am still very much in the warm afterglow of a gorgeous weekend of 5Rhythms here in Jersey.

We began on Friday, with around 30 of us.  It was a strong and exciting start to the weekend which gave us a foundation in how to move to the 5Rhythms (Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness).  Most of the dancers had never danced this practice before, created by Gabrielle Roth around 30 years ago.  It was amazing how quickly we found these rhythms and over the weekend, dived deep into each one to experience the mystery that is at the core of each one.  Together these rhythms make up life! Think of a storm, a lifetime, an eruption and you will find each of these rhythms inside these and countless other mysteries of nature. Gabrielle called the 5Rhythms, ‘The Wave’. When we become attuned to this Wave, we can begin to know ourselves on a very profound level. A level much deeper than the thinking mind can fathom.

Whilst discovering the Wave, we also experienced what it is to be out of our heads and grounded in our bodies.  Each and every dancer was able to experience the peacefulness that comes through this practice of dance; this inner peace which many of us find so hard to feel in this day and age.   Each dance journey is different, but there is something so special for me in dancing a deep journey with my fellow jersey dancing family on this lovely island we live on.  I never fail to be blown away but how beautiful each person becomes when the have lost their heads and found their inner dancer. Also when we stir and shake the body, we really hear the wisdom, the communication that the body is telling us moment by moment.  Sometimes this involves old unprocessed experiences which need to be felt fully to be healed.  Feeling it and moving any old stuff through the dance really sets us free from the blocks we had perhaps been living with for years or a lifetime.  By the end of the weekend a bunch of random strangers turned into a family of open hearts totally connected and supportive of each others own inner healing processes and journeys.

Are we humans or are we dancers? My wish is that everyone can experience the freedom and potential of fully connecting with their bodies and losing their heads for a while.  I have not yet found a better way for doing this and for experiencing joy and inner truth than through the magic of dancing the body alongside a community of other amazing body’s on their quest to become more open and alive.

If you want to move your body and open more to life then come to a Soul Movement Dance Class in Jersey!

Maria x


What an amazing dance community in our little isle. Thank you all for a fabulous week end xxx

Sarah Howard


Love, gratitude and blessings to you all, I had an amazing weekend! Thank you all for sharing and expressing your love and light x Very beautiful! Thank you Maria Barnicoat X x Tim is amazing, very inspiring!

Sharleen Morgan


Fabulous weekend – another journey of depth so worthwhile, thank you to the community of fellow travellers/dancers and to Maria for organising, her helpers, and Tim’s unique presence in facilitation.

Naomi West


Deep Gratitude

Maz Heaney

A great weekend celebrating life and re-kindeling PASSION .. and to share this with a family of Dancers; to see and be seen was the best bit! Thank you all

Susie Andrew





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