Tears, Tantrums and Aggression:
** What to do when your kid is losing it.
** How can you best respond when your kid is angry, upset or unmanageable?
** How do you stop them being aggressive?
What to say and do without shaming, scolding, or giving in. Simple, kind, effective tools that will build your child’s resilience, increase your confidence and make power battles a thing of the past. Guaranteed to inject joy, warmth and affectionate playfulness to your daily life.
Join us for a live remote talk and Q&A with the lovely and very knowledgable parenting expert Roma Norriss.
Roma Norriss is an incredible person. She’s a Parenting Consultant specialising in turning around unworkable family situations, where nothing else has worked. She is a mother of two living in Somerset and consults, teaches and writes about parenting, intimacy, listening and relationships internationally. You can follow her on Facebook or read her parenting blog at:
We are just charging a minimal fee of £2.50 to cover the cost of promoting this event. Please book now as space is limited.
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