My Essential Oil Healing Journey
As young woman full of passion for healing and supporting ourselves the gentle and natural way, I became an aromatherapist in 1995 after feeling consistently let down by the medical profession. This was a very exciting time for me as I had also recently qualified as a massage therapist and reflexologist.
What began was many years of practice with different brands of oils, and little did I know that it would be over 20 years until I found a brand that would exceed all of my expectations like none had before. Along with needing intensive dietary changes and supplements, I can say these therapeutic grade oils have been life changing for me.
I currently use doTERRA’s Essential Oils for:
- Relieving migraines
- Healing gut issues
- Supporting my emotions
- Insect repellant
- Rejuvenating my energy and boosting my circulation
- Deepening my meditation and relaxation time
- Simple pleasure indulgence
- Flavouring food and homemade chocolate.
- Creating my own DIY natural body products
- Achey muscles and joints
- Skin care
- Colds and fevers
- Disinfecting my home
- Dental care
- Managing my 3 and a half year old daughter’s wellbeing
One of the main reasons I choose to only work with doTERRA is their purity guarantee. They are the only oil company on the planet that 3rd party tests their essential oils.
I am now holding regular classes in my home and outside venues to teach others how to gain from the purity of Essential Oils and I teach workshops in chocolate making and body product making and have a team of customers and wellness advocates who I support and mentor on their Essential Oil Journey. Everyone who resonates with the lifestyle I have and wants to purchase their essential oils through me will have FREE essential oil mentoring, can attend ALL my oils classes for free, get 25% off the full price of my product and chocolate workshops, PLUS they get a free bottle of Wild Orange essential oil and 10% off all body treatments and life coaching sessions.
Yes, the mentoring is FREE and can be as often as you wish and includes:
* Advice for using the oils on yourself and loved ones through questions you have.
* Support in learning how to share these oil in an organic way and where you can benefit by having your oils paid for.
* Support in diving deeper into being being an advocate in supplementing or replacing your income by sharing the oils. We can create events together at your home or collaborate on exciting projects that resonate with us both. I travel, so am happy to come and visit you in the UK or Europe.
If you’d like to experience doTERRA in your life immediately, you can create a wholesale account here by yourself and instantly buy oils at 25% less than retail price, which is the same price that I get them!
Email mariaearthbeauty@gmail.com me to ARRANGE our appointment or call 07797832400.