Lovely movement and meditation session the other night. Great turnout and big journeys for people travelling back to their true peaceful natures in a lovely sacred healing space. So good to be amongst this amazing bunch of crazy daring dancers and explorers. Maria x
Tagged: Dance
latest Dancing with Venus Session
Our dancing with Venus session went really well. Lots of partner work through the dance and strong venus/ishtar/aphrodite visualisations to open us up more to love. All in all a very powerful evening. Had good feedback on the ‘Dancing with the Cosmos’ facebook page – always good to hear how this affects us all personally. Looking forward to dancing with Venus’s ally Mars next week when we’ll be stepping up our warrior, assertive energy through our movement and meditations.
Thank you all who came and dared to journey deep into their hearts. “The cave you fear to enter, holds the treasures you seek” Joseph Campbell.
Dancing with Venus
Venus represents the principle of love and beauty. She rules the desire to be involved in romantic and social relations, to attract and be attracted to others, to engage in artistic activities, to seek harmony and aesthetic or sensuous pleasure. The Venus archetype is associated with the Greek mythic figure of Aphrodite, the Roman Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. Venus tends to correlate with how one gives and receives love and affection, the nature of one’s social and romantic relationships, and the character of one’s artistic impulse and aesthetic sensibility.
We will work to connect with and fully embody our highest appreciation of love and the creative energy that Venus bestows upon us through our dance and our 2 hour journey together.
Wednesday 30th May
7-9pm The Bridge Family Centre
Newcomers welcome
£8 Drop in
Facilitated by Maria
Bring water and blanket
Dancing with the Cosmos II
Very nurturing night tonight – dancing with our inner femine moon energy. Lots of healing directed at early childhood and our connection to our mother. Loving our community of adventurous and wild dancers here in little Jersey!!
Dancing with the Cosmos – My thoughts
We had an amazing first night of Dancing with the Cosmos last week! Dancing with the Sun was an exhilarating and magical evening. 28 daring souls attended, journeying into their bodies and into dancing meditations and visualisations to enhance their inner solar power! I’m feeling very inspired by the numbers of dancing inner explorers that are bringing consciousness into their daily lifes through this healing dance! Looking forward to the next one – Dancing with the Moon!
Maria x
Weekend of 5 Rhythms Dance
The Illuminated Heart 13th – 15th April 2012
With Tim Broughton at the Bridge Family Centre.

Chakra Dance drop in sessions
Wednesday Nights 7pm – 9pm – Just drop in!
Venue: The Bridge Family Centre, St. Saviour
For more information contact Maria on 07797 832400 or 01534 722768
Free Dance Session
“The Interconnected Dance”
Wednesday 1st Feb, The Bridge Family Centre – 7-9pm
(donations accepted but not expected)
This dance will be facilitated by Maria. Newbies welcome.
Bare Feet Dance Community
Is a dance community run by Maria Barnicoat and Jurek Skiba, containing a practice that cleanses your mind with sweat and breath, laughter and prayer. We let go of conversation, dissolve into movement and discover the anatomy of the soul. You will awaken your own imagination and move through personal exploration into a loving, intimate relationship with body, mind, heart, and source energy. We are powerful creative beings and this dance practice enables us to liberate that power and intent.
What to wear?
Comfortable layered clothing you can move and groove in. Long sleeves for floor work will keep you cosy. It is a barefoot practice, but if you have dance shoes, bring them!
If you have never been before, this is a great session to start!
Tel Maria: 07797 832400
A Weekend of 5 Rhythms Dance
The Illuminated Heart
A Weekend of 5 Rhythms Dance
with Tim Broughton
The heart is the home of love and a gateway to the soul. Open our hearts and we open in love. This workshop is for those who wish to live in love whether living alone or in relationship. There will be a number of processes, including dancing the Five Rhythms, to help us let go and open into experiencing love.
Rumi says:
We are looking at your face.
Meadows and rose gardens don’t interest us anymore.
We are lost in the view of your eyes.
Wine and the wine maker no longer have appeal.
5 Rhythms™ Dance is a simple movement practice created by Gabrielle Roth to release the dancer that lives in every body – no matter what shape, size, age, limitations and experience. It is a relaxing, releasing workout for mind, body, and soul. Let go of your mind and let your body take you into your wildness, your tenderness, your joy – with yourself, with others. Come home to the ground of your being. Somewhere in you the dancer is waiting, waiting to be recognised and given life in movement. All you need is yourself & your willingness to move.
Tim Broughton has been running workshops for many years and is an accredited 5 Rhythms teacher. He regularly runs day, weekend and longer residential workshops.
Venue: The Bridge Family Centre,
Le Geyt Road, St Saviour, Jersey, UK
Dates: Friday 9th (7:30-10:00pm), Saturday 10th (10:30-5:00pm),
Sunday 11th March (10:30-5:00pm)
Price: £20 for Friday evening/£110 for the whole weekend
Earlybird Price: £90 for the whole weekend if booked
by 15th February 2012
contact: or 07797 832400 or 01534 722768
A Dance for Endings, Darkness and New Life:
A Dance for Endings, Darkness and New Life:
Sunday 18th December, The Bridge Family Centre 7-9pm
In Latin, solstice means ‘sun set still’ and Winter Solstice is the great stillness before the Sun’s strength builds, and days grow longer.
We will dance consciously into the fruitful dark out of which new life can eventually emerge. Everything lies dormant in the silent night, a sacred time of rest before the awakening, and the slow build toward longer days. We will also dance for the sun that starts a new cycle at winter solstice and acknowledge the suns rays shining into the dark and nurturing the new life there to be cultivated.
What to wear?
Comfortable layered clothing you can move and groove in. Long sleeves for floor work will keep you cozy and allow you to rolls across the floor easier if you feel the need!. It is a barefoot practice, but if you have dance shoes, bring them!
Conscious Dance
Is a dance practice that cleanses your mind with sweat and breath, laughter and prayer. We let go of conversation, dissolve into movement and discover the anatomy of the soul. You will awaken your own imagination and move through personal exploration into a loving, intimate relationship with body, mind, heart, and source energy. We are powerful creative beings and the dance helps us liberate that power and intent.
This dance will be facilitated by Maria. All are welcome! Cost £7
If you have never been before, come along, now is a great time to start 🙂
Tel Maria: 07797 832400