“As above so below, as within, so without”
I learnt over half my lifetime ago that this ancient cosmic system of knowledge and life beautifully supports our transformative processes and adds an extra dimensional insight into knowing who we are at the innermost core of our-self and also who we have the potential to become. Once we understand better the inherent energies that we came into this world with and perhaps any big current planetary influences for us, we can learn how to surrender and flow with them instead of against them, as we are more able to create the life we want to live where we thrive and are excited, passionate, open and engaged, instead of a life where we feel we simply exist and are controlled by our experiences.
With this extra dimension added to our understanding of ourselves – relationships, careers, creativity, family issues etc are really given the potential to be understood and transcended, and the gifts that they offer our self-growth can be really be reaped.
Its exciting to be able to offer Astrological Insight Guides at Earth Beauty. For this, you need to know your time of birth, as well as date and place of birth. The Insight Guide costs £75 and can also be given on Skype as well as in person by myself at Earth Beauty in Jersey. Sessions usually last around 1hour and 30mins but can be longer too.
I look forward to journeying with you into your-self!
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