Our contribution towards the care-taking of this planet is KEY for a strong sense of spiritual fulfilment in this lifetime.
Join us for a powerfully moving journey, to reconnect with and anchor back into your love for the earth, and your unique and sacred part in the creating of an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling & socially just presence on Earth.
This multi-textured, emotive and creative experience is held and facilitated through an investigation into the following important questions:
• What was the unconscious collective mindset that got us to this crisis point in evolution?
• What role does spirituality have in transforming our world?
• How we can exist in a web of like-minded individuals to be the change we want to see in our world today?
• What is our personal, authentic and innate gift to contribute to our world during this time of upheaval and great change? Where do our passions meet what the world most needs?
• How can we use the power of our imaginations and our creativity in our visions of tomorrow?
We have almost no time left to act as protectors of life on Earth and to pull together to hold a ground of consciousness, resilience and wellbeing.
We need to move while we can, before we experience a collapse into free fall, where conducive spaces to share and organise are replaced by the shock of societies becoming more chaotic and dismembered as our life support systems die.
This experience will be held in and around the grounds of St Mary’s Church Barn Loft on Sunday 6th September.
Please arrive at 10:15 for a 10:30 start. to finish at 14:30. There is plenty of parking.
Booking is ESSENTIAL due to Covid Regulations with the number of people who can attend.
The day is free/by donation but there is a nominal £5 registration fee to help us cover the costs of advertising and organising which is payable through the booking link.
A blanket, a notebook/journal
An object that connects you to your love for the Earth in some way.
We will have a short lunch break. Please bring yourself some food,
Please call 07797832400 or email mariaearthbeauty@gmail.com
Created by the “Pachamama Alliance”, this interactive journey “Awakening the Dreamer” takes a fresh look at our most critical current concerns – environmental sustainability, social justice and spiritual fulfilment – and explores the connections between them. It offers a unique insight into the nature of our world, with leading-edge information, dynamic group interaction and inspiring video clips from some of the world’s most respected thinkers and doers, including Paul Hawken, Joanna Macy, Desmond Tutu, Prince Ea, Julia Butterfly Hill, Brian Swimme and Thomas Berry, Van Jones and Charles Eisenstein.