Honouring the Dark Time



Let us celebrate with full bodied dancing dreams, the great stillness before the Sun’s strength builds, and the days grow longer.

Blessing within movement, the fruitful dark out of which new life can eventually emerge, we come together asking: what do the suns rays shine onto in the deep earth of our being? What is asked of us in the darkness? What new life is there calling for nourishment?

This is a dance that cleanses your mind with sweat and breath: laughter and prayer. We let go of conversation, dissolve into movement, drop deep into the body and discover the anatomy of the soul. We will move through personal exploration into a loving, intimate relationship with body, mind, heart, and source energy and awaken our imaginations together in a field of connected dreaming. We are powerful, creative beings and the dance facilitates in us a liberation of that beautiful power and intent.

Join the dance by pre-registering HERE .

We invite you to this event as part of a wider Campfire World Harmony at Winter Solstice gathering, which starts 09:00 Sunday 20th and runs through until 14:00 Monday.

One link gives access to all events. We have been preparing the ground and sowing the seeds that are ready to break through; a fertile combination of experiential learning, music, ritual, heart-centred business, eco-community and conscious social networking.

World Harmony is part of Campfire’s evolving online event blueprint – an exploration of how we bring people together around a shared vision of unity and connection.

Help Build This Together.

Your ‘pay what you feel’ donation helps support Campfire to continue to build and adapt our blueprint to whatever is needed to be responsive to what is arising both personally and collectively
