The time has come to close the doors to Earth Beauty after over 10 years of being open for wellness and natural beauty so that I can devote all my energy to being a new mama.
I’m so thankful to Janice, my mother, for having such a gorgeous and centrally located space to practice in for all these years and so thankful to all of you wonderful people who came to see me at one time or another. Everyone loved the tranquil feeling in this space despite being in such a busy part of town. Some of you I journeyed with deep and for long times, others, it was short but equally as deep, and others flew in and out like butterflies in the breeze. Everyone has shown me and taught me something valuable to integrate and take away to this next part of my life.
The beautiful studio that I use is awaiting fresh energy to take over and the rent is very reasonable! Days available are: Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. If you are interested and would like to see the space, please call Janice on 07797826957 or 601925.