Today is Beltaine! Day of fertility, new life, adorning the feminine, attracting new lovers and renewing our current loves, celebrations of warm long days. I spent much of the day reflecting. It didn’t occur to me earlier, whilst reflecting that it was actually Beltaine but my thoughts were very much with fertility today.
Perhaps because I see many women with fertility issues.
Why do they have fertility issues?
In truth, almost 100% of the women I see are in some way blocking their feminine expression in exchange of being high fliers in their workplace. Women in Jersey, are being carried along by the need to succeed, the need to achieve, the need to be active and to make their mark in the world with their careers. All women I see with fertility issues are big list writers, they like to be in control, they like to have things organised, compartmentalised, so that they can keep doing more more more, to keep their lives as they are, with their flats, houses, mortgages to pay ….
Hang on – didn’t women used to be frivolous, creative, wild, connected to nature, the moon, mothers of new life?
YES!!! We’ve lost our essence and we’re suffering physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually! And so is our island. We’re dishonouring the sacred temples of our bodies in exchange for more ticks on our lists. Our bodies are stagnant and craving to be shaken up, stirred, pushed to our edges and filled up with life. We’ve become half woman, half men … and we wonder why our passion is low, why we don’t feel excited … why we secretly crave to live the adorning life of Cleopatra for a day. We long to be frivolous, we’ve forgotten how to play, how to let ourselves go and be carried away by our creative natures.
Divine feminine energy represents these aspects within the universe:
Restoration, life, renewal, creation, birth, healing, receptivity, openness, motherhood, nurturing, love, understanding, compassion, insight, intuition, wisdom, forgiveness, the moon, connection, harmony and sensuality. To allow the divine feminine within ourselves to surface, we need to search for these aspects within ourselves. You will find that you are more in touch with some aspects of your divine feminine nature and less in touch with others. For example, you may be fully in touch with your own sensuality but not in touch with motherhood. If this is the case, expressing the divine feminine within you, means connecting with and expressing the latent motherhood within you in your own unique way.
Reflect and Enquire. What can I do to embrace my feminine?
Find ways to cultivate the above qualities. Ask yourself “what makes me feel alive?”
Ask yourself “what would make my body a more fertile place for new life?”
Ask yourself “How can I be more sensual?”
Ask yourself “am I ashamed or afraid of shining in my feminine essence?” “Am I afraid I’ll be judged?”
Why would I be afraid of being judged?
Maybe because modern day Jersey society generally places your value and worth on how much you are achieving – not on WHO you are.
Ladies, pamper yourselves, get in touch with yourselves, dance, make yourselves feel feminine, get together with other ladies, commit to healing the feminine in you and give yourself all the compassion to yourself that you can when you finally feel the pain of the separation from your sacred feminine.
And then RISE and celebrate your new birth!
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