Natural Solutions Essential Oil Class

Thursday 30th May: 6.45pm-8.30pm

You will learn about the following:-
1. What is an essential oil?
2. The most commonly used oils
3. Different uses for them at home
4. Safety notes & the 4 different methods of application
5. What makes dōTERRA oils/products unique?
This class is good for those with all levels of understanding as different and interesting topics come up each time.
You will also learn ways to help yourself with:-
mood & stress
a strong immune system
colds & flu
aches & pains
better sleep
healthy digestion system
allergies & hayfever
At the end of the class I will share with you the best way to get the oils/products if you’re wanting to do so (without obligation).

Investment : £5 including the class, refreshments (Yummy oil infused treats and drinks)


If you’re coming back for a refresher with me this is FREE – please email me to book as these spaces are limited

If you’d like a free sample to address an ailment prior to coming to a class, please get in touch as I’d love to get something to you so you can have an experience before the class.



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