During solstice we are in transition, moving from the darkest time into the time of more light.
Entering the sweat lodge at this time will help us to make this transition with more ease, as in the lodge we are shedding what is no longer needed in our lives and gaining insight into the best that we can do in the future. We are leaving behind the old and creating a space for the new to come flooding in. Join us in celebration of this time and welcome all the best in with love!
During this ceremony, we separate for a time from the physical world and go within ourselves to be able to see with clarity what needs to be healed or resolved and pray for guidance from the ancient grandmothers and grandfathers who have walked the Earth before us. We allow ourselves to connect directly with their wisdom and the original memory that resides within us all.
Everyone is welcome.
Date: Sunday 23rd December 2018
Time: 13.15 til 16.30
Bring: women – a loose fitting dress, men – shorts for inside the lodge, water or hot tea for drinking before and after, warm clothes for after the lodge and willingness to let go and receive our mothers blessings
Where: Behind the Steam Museum in Trinity. Full directions will be sent after booking.
Cost: £25
Concessions Available. Please contact translatemontanita@gmail.com
For more information see facebook group “Sacred Sweat Lodge (Temazcal)”
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