It seems that we are getting wiser. Although its unlikely if you go into a doctors surgery complaining of chronic digestive issues, energy lapses, headaches and skin issues, that they will advise you seek out a specialist who tests food intolerances, current statistics say that over 45% of our population have become intolerant to one or more foods in their diets! To this day doctors still do not offer tests for ‘intolerances’ which is a different reaction to the classic acute, sometimes life threatening ‘allergy’ reaction.

Poor gut health, low immunity, stress, environmental toxins and certain allopathic medicines have been taking their toll on our ability to properly digest and assimilate food for years now.
I use the Food Detective Test – the test I believe to be the most accurate on the market in diagnosing food intolerances. Just a 10minute appointment for a pin prick of blood is needed and in 45 mins I can call you with results that include 46 foods tested.
Its the first step I recommend in bringing the pendulum back to balance for our health and wellbeing! With me at Earth Beauty you have the choice to upgrade this service to include a 3 month plan plus a set of life coaching sessions to really transform your life and achieve your goals.
The cost of the Food Detective Food Intolerance Test is £70.
If you are suffering from one or more of the below, choose to take a food intolerance test today and I’d be happy to help you with your pathway back to feeling good again.
Chronic fatigue
Strong food cravings
Irritable bowel (including bloating, diarrhoea or constipation)
Hyperactivity and bedwetting in children
Rhinitis Eczema/psoriasis,
Itches and rashes
Ongoing Sinus problems or ear infections
Chronic mouth ulcers
Headaches or migraines
Joint aches and pains
See more for Food Intolerance Testing: HERE
See more for the 3 month Transformation Programme: HERE
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