I think we’d met about 2 hours before this picture was taken. It was a clear and beautiful November day. The most exhilarating day of my life. The high was mind blowing. The midwives were amazing. Especially sweet Rachel who was with us for our first day. She really helped encourage me to get the right position for breastfeeding. I definitely didn’t feel like I remotely had the knack but she was super positive for me.
Nothing can prepare you for that intense love and bonding that happens that first day.
I stayed in a few days. Unfortunately I’d lost a lot of blood and I needed a transfusion to get me strong again. Best decision I made doing that and such a supportive team of doctors and midwives. I had an incredible birthing partner who, without her, I can’t imagine the ease, comfort and flow happening as beautifully and supported as it did with the whole birthing journey.
I moved home and began my new life with my new beautiful daughter in my home in Gorey.
Nothing else prepared me for the intense vulnerability I was now faced with in my new role. Feeling quite inadequately equipped in the mother and care taking role, I just had to jump right in and follow my instincts. It took me a very long time to actually accept what had just happened to me. The Mother transformation was the biggest and most opening process I have ever been through.