Are you ready to work deep into the past, present and future to claim the power you have lacked through limiting beliefs, trauma, cultural conditioning and/or a lack of knowledge or application? Are you ready to use the wisdom you already have in your body to guide you with loving presence and direction to increased wellbeing and transformation?
🌈 This is an 8 module journey into the powerhouse centres within our bodies starting in February until the end of March. If you cannot attend the whole journey, it is possible to book individual sessions.
🌈 Our chakras connect to our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. We can claim back any lost power with enquiry, reflection, acknowledgment, compassion, and by trusting ourselves to be our own healers with the support of the strong sacred space container in which we will move in.
🌈 What can you expect? We will work with music, movement, toning, trance meditations, essential oils, and with each other as compassionate comrades to restore balance and wholeness into ourselves. This is an exhilarating and liberating journey but also one that works on a profound level in our wellbeing and psyche, and that has a strong emphasis on movement.
🌈 Everyone is welcome. Whether you are seasoned in the path of empowerment through movement, or whether you are completely new, you are welcome to join us. If you joined for a past journey, this will be unique, with new exercises, modalities and meditations, giving you the opportunity to immerse in different material and layers that arise.
Dates of modules: –
🔥 Sun 2nd February: 18.30 til 21.00 – 1st Chakra “ALL IS ONE” Muladhara/Grounding/Belonging/ Earth: The Root Chakra. Sun 2nd February: 18.30 til 21.00 – A journey back to where we came from. Acknowledging the past and our ancestral lineage. What belief patterns did you inherit from your family? What traumas did they endure? Which of those belief systems do you acknowledge are no longer serving you? Do you have unfinished business with your family? What blessings came from your family? Shining the light on the frozen grief and energy which is hindering your sense of ground and belonging and connection to mother earth.
🔥 Sat 8th February: 18.30 til 21.00 – 2nd Chakra “HONOR ONE ANOTHER” Svadisthana/Passion/Creativity/ Fire: The Sacral Chakra. A journey into our need for relationships and our sense of power, money and survival in our physical environment. How often do you direct your creative energies into negative paths of expression? Are you comfortable with your sexuality? Do you keep your word? Are you a controlling person? Shining the light on the frozen grief and energy which is hindering your sense of relating and abundance.
🔥 Sun 16th February: 18.30 til 21.00 – 3rd Chakra “HONOR ONESELF” Manipura/Confidence/Personal Power/ Fire: The Solar Plexus Chakra. A journey into our sense of self-esteem, self-confidence and self-respect. Do you like yourself? If not what don’t you like and why? Are you actively working to change the things you don’t like? Are you critical of others? Do you need the approval of others? Are you continually wishing your life was different?
🔥 Sun 1st March: 18.30 til 21.00 – 4th Chakra “LOVE IS DIVINE POWER” – Anahata/Compassion/Acceptance/Air: The Heart Chakra. A journey into our ability to let go, our ability to forgive and feel inner peace. What emotional memories do you still need to heal? Do you allow yourself to be controlled by the wounds of another person? What steps have you taken or will you take to prevent that from happening again? Do you associate emotional health with no longer needing an intimate relationship? What have you done that needs forgiving? Who do you have to forgive?
🔥 Sun 8th March: 18.30 til 21.00 – 5th Chakra “SURRENDER TO DIVINE WILL” – Vishuddha/Deliverance/Authenticity/ Ether: The Throat Chakra. A journey through the maturation of the willpower to true inner authority. What is your definition of being strong willed? Who has control over your willpower and why? Are you able to sense when you are receiving guidance to act upon? What fears do you have associated with divine guidance? Do you trust guidance that has no proof of outcome?
🔥 Sun 15th March: 18.30 til 21.00 – 6th Chakra “SEEK ONLY THE TRUTH – The Power of the Mind ” – Ajna/Intuition/Foresight/ Ether: The Third Eye Chakra. A journey into our mental body, our sense of symbolic sight and psychological characteristics. Are you judgmental? What people or situations bring that out in you? What attitudes do you have that disempower you? What beliefs do you have that cause you to interpret the actions of others in a negative way?
🔥 Sun 22nd March: 18.30 til 21.00 – 7th Chakra “LIVE IN THE PRESENT MOMENT – Transcendence” Sahasrara/Unity/Divine Intelligence/ Ether: The Crown Chakra. A journey into our connection to life force energy, inspirational and prophetic thoughts, transcendent ideas and mystical connections. What spiritual truths are you aware of that you do not live by? Are you devoted to a spiritual path? What prevents you from continuing desired spiritual practices? Are you afraid of a closer spiritual connection to the divine because of the changes it might trigger in your life?
🔥 Sun 29th March: 18.30 til 21.00 – Ceremony/Integration and Witness. A celebration of all we are, an embodied integration of all the modules and chakras with an invocation of protection and affirmation of our intentions. This is given as a practice that can be followed daily to strengthen the spirit and live an authentic life that matters to us and those around us.
Influenced with gratitude by wonderful mystics and teachers such as Caroline Myss, Toko-Pa Turner, Ram Dass, Gabrielle Roth and Joanna Macy. I am honoured to be your guide on this journey. If you cannot attend the whole journey, it is possible to book individual sessions.
“I want to thank you for the wonderful session yesterday. I feel so ‘cleared out’ – almost like a new person, inside! I felt like we had all been given a gift by you.”
Eleanor O’Callaghan-Mazidian
“Thank you so much for holding such a sacred space and allowing us to connect with ourselves and each other….it was fascinating, magical and powerful. It was very special.”
Johann Liffey
“Amazing, Amazing …. I loved every minute of it”
Kinga Gutkowska
“Thank you for having me taking part of such a magical group.”
Joseph David Bras
Location: The Bridge Family Centre in St Saviour.
- Notepad and pen
- Wear comfy layers
- A Blanket
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About Maria:
After many years of learning about healing and the mysteries of the body, heart, soul and spirit since she was a child, Maria began a journey of discovering the power of true transformation and embodied healing through conscious dance practices in 2008. Soon after she was holding weekly practice spaces in Jersey through Barefoot Dance, Healing Dance, Soul Movement and now Wild Earth Dance … More here ….

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