Winter Massage Offer


FANTASTIC OFFER! For the next 3 weeks! Find some time before the Christmas rush and book yourself in for an hours therapeutic massage for only £36! Whether you need deep tissue, calming or invigorating, this will be tailor made just for you. Book with Maria on 07797 832400 and nourish your lovely self on a deep level.

Offer Valid until 15th December.


M x

Seiki, Healing through Resonance – Weekend Workshop

Weekend Workshop at ‘The Bridge Family Centre’

St.Saviour, JERSEY – with Daniela Coronelli MRSS(T)

27th-28th October 2012 (10:00am-5:00pm)



● A clear and effective way to develop inner awareness and sensitivity as to how to sustain health

● A practice that invests in you and trains you to discover how your body-mind has a natural capacity to move towards harmony and balance. A transformative life skill of your own

● A method of Self-healing that can also be integrated in your health practice.

If so, then this Seiki workshop is for you!

During this weekend, you will be invited to explore:

● Working with, and developing, Ki sensitivity, through practices of breathing, abdomen centred exercises and presence

● Spontaneous and structured movement and sound, to explore how, given a safe environment and an attitude of mindfulness, the body is able to move fixed, sickness-creating, habits into healthier ways of being

● Bodywork, where the practitioner is demonstrated how to enter resonance with the receiver, and to receive guidance as to where in the body the contact will be most welcome, for activating change and balance.

All with an interest and an open mind are welcome …

For shiatsushi and other bodywork practitioners, it counts towards CPD


Seiki is a Ki-therapy, rooted in the Shiatsu tradition, founded by the Zen Shiatsu master, Akinobu Kishi, in 1980. It has gained international popularity thanks to its effectiveness in demonstrating the human process of healing – for each one differently, yet universal in nature

Daniela Coronelli MRSS(T)

Having trained in Seiki with Akinobu Kishi for many years, in Japan and Europe, Daniela is passionate about the transformative effect Seiki has had in her life, and in her Shiatsu & Seiki Health Practice in Totnes, Devon. She is an experienced Shiatsu and Amerta Movement teacher, and uses a good mix of structured and unstructured activities in her workshops

Cost: £110 (or £90 – if paid by 5thOctober 2012)

Advance Booking Essential

Contact: Maria:

telephone: 07797 832400/ 01534 722768


Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep Weekend

Midfullness of Dream and Sleep JerseyA Holistic Approach to Lucid Dreaming

with Charlie Morley

10th/11th November 2012

Spend a worthwhile weekend exploring exciting dreamwork material.

We sleep for a third of our lives. Mindfulness of Dream and Sleep allows us to make use of that time and gives us the tools to train our minds, reprogram our habits and to enter into a friendship with every aspect of our psyches, all while we’re sound asleep. By using the best of both Tibetan Buddhist and Western dream-work techniques Mindfulness of Dream and Sleep offers a uniquely holistic approach to lucid dreaming with the aims of psychological growth, mind training and nocturnal spiritual practice!

This workshop includes an overview of the history, science and practice of lucid dreaming from both the Western psychological and Tibetan Buddhist traditions, instructions on how to maintain awareness into and out of sleep, and teachings on learning “how to lucid dream”. Lucid dreaming is an important precursory skill to the Tibetan tradition of Dream Yoga and these teachings offer a practical way to learn this incredibly beneficial skill.

This workshop is suitable for both complete beginners and seasoned dream explorers

About Charlie Morley:

Charlie received the traditional “authorization to teach” from Lama Yeshe Rinpoche in 2008 and was asked to teach by renowned meditation teacher Prof. Rob Nairn who described him as “the most authentic practitioner of lucid dreaming and dream yoga teaching in Europe”. Charlie has been a self taught lucid dreamer since the age of 16 and since then he has run retreats and workshops around the world, co-created the “Mindfulness of Dream and Sleep” program and given the ever first talk on lucid dreaming at the well known “TED” conference.

Cost: £95 if paid before 15th October, or £115 thereafter

Venue: The Isis Centre in St Lawrence

Times: 10-5pm each day

Food: Please bring food to share each day


Numbers are limited so please book soon if you are interested.

To book please email: and send £40 cheque to ‘Earth Beauty’ or do instant BACS transfer – I will email you the BACS details when you let me know your interest.

Or telephone Maria: 07797 832400


Complete De-Stress Massage Package – Offer Available Until 15th October

massage in st. helier jersey

Spend a Nurturing Hour at Earth Beauty with this Special Offer And Return to a Calmer You

Location: Jersey, St. Helier

Complete De-Stress Package

30mins Back, Neck and Shoulder massage

30mins Foot Reflexology

reflexology in jerseyJust £35 – Available until October 15th

Don’t Miss Out

Call Maria 722768 or 07797 832400 or email

Cosmos Dancing Season Finale

A beautiful finale to our 10 week series!! Thank you all who braved our sacred space with their movement and contributed to our healing journeys. Especially thanks to Carrie Scott for her stunning altars!!! Has been an epic series, above and beyond. I’m completely taken aback by how beautiful each person is and becomes even more when they move into their bodies and express their individualities. I personally have felt the power and the connection of the planetary archetypes in all parts of my life whilst running this – its been invaluable – and I wish for this for everyone else. Most of all its been fun and broadened my perspective which I’m very thankful for!! I’ve loved the sense of adventure and playfulness that has filled our room at times and also the sharing of the sweet tenderness of being human with our many colourful and textured parts. Thank you!! See you next week for “Body Magic & Quantum Light Breath Meditation”. Details to follow soon ♥ ♥ ♥

Body & Breath Magic

During this 2 hour journey we will spend half the time diving into the invigorating potential of Conscious, Ecstatic Movement, and the rest of the time absorbing deeply in a Quantum Light Breath Meditation to assist our awakening processes.

Conscious Movement and Ecstatic Dance is an innate ability that we can all tap into. It is a creative and enlivening process that brings us fully into the moment and away from the limiting confines of our minds. For a while we really hear the wisdom in the body, go back to our indigenous roots, find our sense of belonging and our capacity for authentic living in a sacred and welcoming space. When practiced regularly, followers usually find this meditation in movement to be empowering, awakening and confidence boosting.

The Quantum Light Breath is a breathing meditation process that accelerates personal transformation by releasing withheld feelings and revealing unconscious programs. It is designed to take participants into an expanded state of consciousness and ultimately into blissful embodiment. Here, Universal Love is experienced as a natural reality, not as an unreachable concept, where there is a deep connection to the Universal Intelligence. Quantum Light Breath participants often describe “Satori,” or awakening experiences during the practice. This meditation, that we will be guided through via a CD recording, creates space for personal exploration, emotional release without engaging in “story,” personal transformation and group connection. Using deeply effective guidance, we dive into the healing power of the breath, grounded by the magical sounds of the didgeridoo and toning, as well as flute, harmonium, Tibetan bells and bowls, drums, and channeled melody. We’ll re-connect with our bodies and each other through spontaneous movement and authentic personal sharing.

More information at


Both processes will be fully facilitated. Please come with an empty stomach, a blanket and water.

After the process we will share some light food.

Facilitated by Maria. All are welcome – newcomers included.

Tel: 07797 832400

Time: 7-9pm Cost: £8


Dancing with Mars

Mars is raw, unbridled and passionate. Mars can also be incredibly destructive if not channeled consciously. Mars can lead us to our assertiveness, our highest courage (including the courage to use that assertiveness) and our strongest warrior self with a cause. The positive use of anger. When linked with our solar purpose energy, it energises and lights up our life! When suppressed in fear or shame (due to life experience, family upbringing, social or cultural conditions etc) that energy can create havoc inside to bursting point. After too long this can fester as resentment, bitterness, depression and chronic illness.


Whether we accept the presence of Mars or not, he is an important and potent part of our psyche.


How does it feel to befriend this powerful force and how can this help us move forward, take initiative and stand in courage?


Come and dance the dance of Mars this Wednesday at the Bridge with guided visualisations and meditations, and ignite the flame of your own inner dynamic, renewing force.


£8 drop in. Newcomers welcome. Bring water and blanket. Facilitated by Maria. our solar purpose energy, it energises and lights up our life! When suppressed in fear or shame (due to family upbringing, social or cultural conditions etc) that energy can create havoc inside to bursting point. After too long this festers as resentment, bitterness, depression and chronic illness.


Whether we accept the presence of Mars or not, he is an important and potent part of our psyche. How does it feel to befriend this powerful force and how can this help us move forward, take initiative and stand in courage?


Come and dance the dance of Mars this Wednesday at the Bridge with guided visualisations and meditations, and ignite the flame of your own inner dynamic, renewing force.


£8 drop in. Newcomers welcome. Bring water and blanket. Facilitated by Maria.


latest Dancing with Venus Session

Our dancing with Venus session went really well. Lots of partner work through the dance and strong venus/ishtar/aphrodite visualisations to open us up more to love. All in all a very powerful evening. Had good feedback on the ‘Dancing with the Cosmos’ facebook page – always good to hear how this affects us all personally. Looking forward to dancing with Venus’s ally Mars next week when we’ll be stepping up our warrior, assertive energy through our movement and meditations.

Thank you all who came and dared to journey deep into their hearts. “The cave you fear to enter, holds the treasures you seek” Joseph Campbell.

Dancing with Venus

Venus represents the principle of love and beauty. She rules the desire to be involved in romantic and social relations, to attract and be attracted to others, to engage in artistic activities, to seek harmony and aesthetic or sensuous pleasure. The Venus archetype is associated with the Greek mythic figure of Aphrodite, the Roman Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. Venus tends to correlate with how one gives and receives love and affection, the nature of one’s social and romantic relationships, and the character of one’s artistic impulse and aesthetic sensibility.

We will work to connect with and fully embody our highest appreciation of love and the creative energy that Venus bestows upon us through our dance and our 2 hour journey together.

Wednesday 30th May
7-9pm The Bridge Family Centre
Newcomers welcome
£8 Drop in
Facilitated by Maria
Bring water and blanket